Got a double edge razor and some blades a couple of weeks ago. My latest luddite tendencies have sent me down a whole new rabbit hole. So, in no particular order, here are some thoughts ...

Our fathers and grandfathers had it right, shaving with double edge razors. All the neoshavegeeks are in the process of re-discovering what previous generations of shavers and barbers have been practicing - the satisfaction that comes with lathering up and shaving with one blade at a time.

During the past 40 years or so, Schick and Gillette have come accross the marketing formula that Anheiser Busch perfected - the ability to move a massive amounts of product of questionable, but consistent quality. S&G has not been able to deliver a product that shaves better that the double edge safety razor of the 20th century, much as A-B has not delivered a brew that equals the quality of late 19th century local brewers.

But I digress.  Lathering up with a shaving brush makes for a satisfying routine in the morning.  It feels like more of an experience that pushing the button on the top of the aerosol shaving foam can.  Yes it consumes more time.  But I have no life - what would I do with the 45 seconds that I save by using the aerosol can of desicants?

The use of a double edge razor does require more attention to technique. Carelessness with a double edge razor punishes you with a poor shave at best, or a face cut to ribbons at worst. But, oh, the feeling when you get it right! And isn't this what we strive for - meaningful and rewarding actions? Or do we just settle for the budweiser of shaving?

So, shaving soap has facilitated some close shaves. I never would have guessed how good glycerin can make my skin feel.  Shaving cream gives its own unique shaving experience.  I will let you know about pre-shave creams...


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