Chiaroscurro Lighting

Wine. Pasta. Shoes. Rennaissance art lighting. Italian culture provides some of the great things in western civilization. Of course there was the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, but I won't get into that here ... Anyhoo, Hickory Farms sausage and cheese always mark the holiday season for me.

Took a couple of stabs at chiaroscurro lighting for my latest still life project. The first uses the Westcott Rapid Box as a beauty dish with the front diffusion panel removed.

I like the light fall off from right to left. Although the reflection of the Rapid Box on the Heavy Seas bottle is kinda weird.

The second attempt was made after replacing the front diffusion panel on the Rapid Box.

To my eye, the light fall off is more gradual. And the Rapid Box reflection on the bottle is less weird. As expected, the highlights are less specular.

As I have been trying lately, I also tried different level of light on the background, to give the subject some separation from the background. I like the amount of background light in take 1.

The Italians gave us artistic lighting. But the we got beer from the Germans. As well as brats. Happy New Year everyone!


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