Shave Soap Ombre

Chirstmas Day Shave Soap Ombre

I fired up the basement studio again after a short hiatus. I enjoyed getting back into the dungeon. I hope the sawdust from recent projects has settled down.

I got some shave soap pucks from my sister in law for christmas. I was immediately inspired by the translucent quality of the soap - I was thinking of the cylindrical warp cores from the Star Trek TNG ships. I always liked the pulsating look of the warp cores from that iteration of ST.

I first tried lighting the pucks from the side. That yielded some nasty blown out hightligts on the side of the plastic packaging. Even when I tried angling the light toward the camerafrom the back/ side, I still got insanely hot highlights. That led to this lighting set up - from the top angled from back toward the camera.  I added white cards on both sides in between the light and camera to give a little pop to the front.

I forgot to place a small white card behind the stack of pucks - I think that might have evened out the light falloff from top to bottom. I like the falloff, but I find it a little extreme.

I may need to eject this warp core ...


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