Black Panther Lighting Test

More strobe lighting tests on the deck. These shots were taken on an afternoon with overcast skies. While I used the Pocketwizard FlexTT5, I did not use the Hypersync feature. I did not want to set the strobe on full power for these shots. These were shot at f/4.

Shot at 1/250. Turns the ambient light in the background black.

Shot at 1/125. The ambient light in the background lightens a little.

Shot at 1/60. The ambient light in the background lightens a little more .

Shot at 1/30. The ambient light in the background lightens more.

Shot at 1/15. The ambient light is just about balanced with the strobe. I kinda like the vignette from the old Tamron lens - reminds me of a halo.

Balancing ambient with strobe gives the shots a neat look. Wish I woulda started shooting this way sooner.


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