Hi Tek Old Skool Selfies

Who's the good looking fella?  :-) The talent today was really high maintenance, and quite the prima donna. The best thing I could say is that the model was free ...

Playing around with lighting - got a new strip light that I wanted to incorporate into head shot lighting. "The good writers borrow, the great writers steal." Channeling T.S. Eliot, aspiring for greatness by stealing lighting setups from a variety of folks.

Using a combination of strip boxes to ape an idea from the Strobist blog. Using the strip lights kinda gives it the look of another famous headshot shooter. The use of two lights gives varying degrees of falloff on the shadow side that really lights my fire.

Set up a tripod and triggered the camera with a Pocketwizard on relay mode, which in turn in fired the strobes.

From my first set of attempts. I won't post the shots I took while I dialed in the focus. I was pretty far off center, so some cropping fixed that.

I turned the key light to hit my face more directly. This softens the shadows a little.

With a little more thoughtful look. It's an act ... my head is pretty empty. Cranked up the key light.

Turned my body the other way.

Talking to no one in particular.

Still carrying on the conversation.

The crooked smirk.

Showin' some ear ...

So I like the new strip box so far. The speed ring I got doesn't accept the grip adapter. The strip box is light enough that it doesn't put too much strain on the light. Looking forward to more head shots!


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