Another Shot Processed with Luminosity Masks

Here's another shot processed with LMs. On one of first days with the D5, I looked up and saw some interesting clouds. So I shot it because of the thing I have for clouds.

Processed as follows:
1. Messed with exposure and contrast in Nikon Capture NX-D.
2. Applied an orange filter in PS.
3. Perfomed the BW conversion in Nik Silver Efex Pro2.
4. Created LM channels.
5. Created LM zone channels.
6. Created curves adjustment levels using LM zone selection masks.
7. Boosted contrast for each of the zones.

Using LM selection masks to make curves adjustment limited to individual zones allows contrast adjustments in a very localized manner. A global curves adjustment just does not allow for controlled adjustments - the adjustments are applied to all light values. LMs allow localized adjustments for narrow ranges of brightness values.


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