Luminosity Masks Chapter II

The LM saga continues ...

I processed shots from one of the first few sessions with the D5 using LM to localize exposure and contrast adjustments.

I shot each of these frames with the autofocus point on a different figure. In this session, I was playing around with different autofocus area modes. In all of these shots, I let the backgroud go to black. I used LMs to adjust exposure on the figures only, without letting the adjustments impact the black background. Note that the a global adjustment without a layer mask would have resulted in either the figures going too dark or the background going too light. The middle frame has a different color cast for some reason. Gotta pay closer attention!

Anyhoo, this was a pretty blunt use of LM. I was just keeping the black background black while adjusting the light on the figures. For this purpose, this turned out well. I will need to try using LM on more nuanced edits.

The use of selection masks is becoming a bit less mysterious. LMs are a bit of a black box to me, but I am slowly getting accustomed to using selection masks.


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